Friday, June 3, 2011

Melayu and Bahasa and Scottish language

Hi Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Wood, and Class,

Here in Borneo (Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia...all three countries comprise Borneo) people speak Melayu or Bahasa, although most everyone also speaks some English. My Scottish friends on board the ship wanted me to further translate English to Melayu/Bahasa to Scottish (Doric): Here are some common words that I learned:

Thank you - Terima Kasih - Cheers Min
Good Morning - Selamat pagi - Like the Day
How are you - Apa khabar - Fit Like?
Yes - Ya - Aye
No - Tidak - Nae
Fine - Baik - Nae Bad
Good afternoon - Selamat Petang - Like the afternoon
Good night - Selamat Malam - Like the night
Goodbye - Selamat Jalan - Cheery Bye
I don't know - Saya Tidak Tahu - Dinna Ken

This is one of the fun things about working with people from many places. We learn about each other's languages and where we live, what is the same and what is different.


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