Monday, May 30, 2011

Beautiful Moth

Does anyone know how you can tell the difference between a moth and a butterfly? I will send you the answer on my next blog post. I don't know what species this is and have been trying to figure this out on the internet. If anyone could let me know this would be great.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Neubert!!! We are very excited to view your blog and learn about your trip. We used google earth to fly to Hong Kong right from the computer lab!!

    Here are some guesses to your question:
    A moth comes out at night and a butterfly during the day. (Sophia)

    A butterfly looks beautiful and a moth looks old and "scraggy". (Tarun but others disagree)

    If you look close, a moth has a green head. (Brian)

    Butterflies are big and a moth is little. (Patrick G)

    A moth doesn't like pollen. (Faith)

    Butterfly is more colorful. (Matty)
